Arukah Health and Wellness

Flowers in bottles


Looking for a primary care provider who will work with you to identify and treat the root causes of your unique health challenges?

Are you ready to take your health to another level?

Looking for more natural ways of dealing with health issues?

Welcome to Arukah Health and Wellness where we blend complementary and alternative medicine with allopathic medicine to bring you safe, evidence-based holistic approaches with an individual-centered health care model.

We appreciate each person’s uniqueness and we strive to create personal health care plans that will empower you to restore your body’s dynamic balance.

At Arukah Health and Wellness, we draw from ancient wisdom and modern science in order to create an individualized wellness plan that works for you, no matter where you are on your healthcare journey.

Schedule your initial consultation today and let me help you identify root causes of the symptoms you are experiencing, and form an individualized plan to help you achieve optimal health and start enjoying your life more than ever before.


Lots of different herbs in sacks

Herbal and Homeopathy Remedies and Supplements

Herbs have been used medicinally for centuries, and modern botanical medicine combines the properties of plants with evidence-based science to provide safe and effective treatments that support the body’s ability to heal from various health disorders.

IV Therapy

Sometimes the best way to provide the body with therapeutic doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, electrolytes, and/or phytotherapeutics is to bypass the gut and infuse these nutrients by IV. If you are suffering from an acute illness and you are not able to ingest food and/or nutrients orally, we can provide IV therapy to increase overall energy and reduce fatigue with therapeutic doses beyond what can possibly be consumed orally.

Fruit in an IV bag
Woman's tummy with the hands forming a heart around the belly button

Love Your Guts

Wellness begins with a healthy digestive system, and the gut and the brain are highly connected through immune, endocrine, and neural pathways, known as the brain-gut-microbiota axis. Most diseases start in the gut, and an unhealthy gut, or “leaky gut,” can lead to health problems in other parts of the body via this brain-gut connection. You truly are what you eat, absorb, and digest, and we can empower you with the tools you need to perform these processes properly, and we can also diagnose and treat most gastrointestinal problems you may have.

Autoimmune Disorders

We can help with your autoimmune disorders utilizing natural remedies and lifestyle changes. Americans have more autoimmune disorders now than ever before and many of these chronic illnesses stem from inflammation, damaged gastrointestinal tracts, antibody-antigen immune reactions, and secondary systemic immunological disorders. Several different triggers (bacterial, viral, and fungal), molecular mimicry, hormonal imbalances, toxicity, and genetic predispositions can cause immune system overreactions leading to autoimmune disorders. We can help you find the root causes of your autoimmune problems and to find a treatment protocol that works for you.

4 tall glass vases with flower stems in each one

Our Partners & Suppliers
(hover over and click or tap an item to go to its website)

Christopher's Herb shop logo
FullScript logo
DesBio Logo
Mountain Rose Herbs Logo
Star West Botanicals Logo
Pekana Logo
Christopher's Herb shop logo
FullScript logo
DesBio Logo
Mountain Rose Herbs Logo
Star West Botanicals Logo
Pekana Logo

© Arukah Health and / Kim Nall, All rights reserved.